View Tax

H&R Block is an American tax consulting company serving 3 countries: India, North America, and Australia. H&R Block Company helps clients prepare their tax returns by giving them access to updates, inquiries, and documents. H&R Block was founded in 1955 by Henry Bloch and Richard Bloch.


The company operates 120,000 tax offices with tax professionals around the world. Its headquarters are in Kansas City, Missouri. Additionally, customers using this platform can ask questions and check the status of the files.

DNA is H&R Block’s employee management portal. DNA Intranet is a web-based platform that provides access to DNA HRBlock employees. You can access work documents, updates, payroll, tax documents, and other applications through the HR lock portal to successfully complete jobs.

If you have any questions about the accessibility of the website, clarifications, or suggestions to improve the services offered, you can contact H&R Block customer service at 1-800-472-5625.


Get All Your Tax Returns Information On The Portal

You cannot view and print your return until you have paid for it. However, it may not be complete until you submit it electronically. This means that you will want to send a paper copy of your return. The next steps are to view your H&R tax returns on a computer;

  • You must ensure that you have made all refunds.
  • Click the Save and Exit button in the upper right corner.
  • In the drop-down menu that appears, click “Print my taxes for 2021”. You can also save your document on your computer.

The next steps are to view the H&R seal and print with a mobile phone;

  • When you have paid your taxes, return to the menu.
  • Click “Print My Taxes” and you can download your tax returns.
  • Save and print later.
  • DNA HRBlock for new users
  • H&R Block integration portal