
DNA HRblock is a self-service website platform that enables H&R employees to access important information more quickly from a single source. The portal stores documents update them, maintains a workflow, and allows files like payroll, making work easier.


Let’s say you have a problem with DNA HRBlock, either due to clarification or the availability of the website. You can always contact the friendly customer service team at 1-800-472-5625 (live support).

6 Benefits That Are Useful To The Customers


Certain benefits and features are combined with the DNA HRBlock login account. The portal opens a new way for employees to benefit from tax advisory services and much more. Here are some of the benefits and features you can get on the H&R Block web portal:

24 hours / daily service

The site is always online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You do not have a specific schedule to use the web portal. Employees can access services anytime, anywhere.

News update

Partners and associates always have access to the latest and most exclusive news content. This will keep you informed of everything that is happening in the market.

Access documents

Legal documents for the preparation of tax returns are offered to employees authorized to use the web portal.

Internet portal design

Members have less time to participate in the web portal because the design is easy to use and understand.

The design of this portal is simple and adaptable. The tools to be used and the different options are coordinated with each other and made visible to the user.

Tax preparation tools

The tools were developed by tax preparation experts. Aligning your tools will make your tasks easier because they are quick and easy to do.

Customer service

The web portal is also designed to access the service and talk to the agencies if there is any help or even clarification. Please note that the H&R Block web portal is always online 24 hours a day; This makes it easy to access customer support.

  • MyBlock H&R Block login
  • DNA HRBlock login